Legal & Privacy Terms

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This site is edited by BWM Mediasoft SARL.

Site hosting is provided by E-Biz Luxembourg SA

For questions about this site and its contents, please contact us at the email address To send us your feedback and suggestions on this site, you can also use the email address


Our goal is to presen updated information about the products that we sell or services we offer. We will endeavor to correct errors brought to our attention.

The web site provides links to external sites over which the Company BWM Mediasoft SARL has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.

The company BWM Mediasoft SARL assumes no liability for any damage caused to your computer by using this site.

The company BWM Mediasoft SARL is not responsible for any interruption, even temporary, in service of this site.

These disclaimers are not intended to circumvent the requirements in applicable laws or exclude liability for matters which can not be excluded under that law.


Copyright 2008 BWM Mediasoft SARL. Trademarks belong to their respective owners.


We undertake to protect your personal data. All personal information about you that we have collected are treated with the strictest confidentiality, in accordance with our policy of protecting personal data. When you shop, we do ask only the information needed to ensure the quality of our services and process your order. The data collected on our site is obtained only by voluntary registration of your personal data, eg using the contact form, ordering products, downloading trial versions or using the form "Feedback. They can be sent to companies publishing software we sell for the purpose of issuing licenses or custom order to identify the client at its request to the technical support of the publishers.

Clause 26 of the Law of 2 August, 2002 states that the person involved in data processing has the right to receive the following information to the treatment of its personal data :

Responsible person BWM Mediasoft SARL, 19 rue de Bitbourg, L-1273 Luxembourg
Treatment goals
  • Customer management and order tracking
  • Public Relations: Contact management and public, socials and professionals relations for the organization.
Recipients to whom the data might be disclosed
  • Commercial service and / or technical support FSecure
Optional/obligation to communicate personal data on this site All personal data is provided on a voluntary basis by the individual concerned.
Right of access to data about the user The person concerned has the right to access data relating to him and it sent via this website.
Right to correct data about the user The person concerned has the right to request correction of data concerning him and has communicated via this website.
Conservation time Data will be stored indefinitely.

If you wish to exercise your rights with the National Commission, please contact us at the email